Council 2433 sponsors an annual domino tournament to determine the State Champion of Texas. From its humble beginning, this tournament has grown to be recognized as the finest competition of straight dominoes nationwide and is held in Hallettsville at the Knights of Columbus Hall.
2025 Texas State Straight Domino Champions
1st place: Walter Patterson III of Houston, TX and Marcus Ford of Houston, TX
2nd Place: Richard Victory of Carmine, TX & Terry Victory of Baytown, TX
3rd Place: Eddie Kuban of Needville, TX & Joe Yenger of Bellville, TX
4th Place: Bobby Stratman of Hallettsville, TX & George Kincheloe of Hallettsville, TX
5th Place: Ron Schielack of Caldwell, TX & Gary Zwernemann of Caldwell, TX
2025 Consolation Winners:
1st Place: David Taylor of Missouri City, TX & Keith Turner of Sugar Land, TX
2nd Place: Jeremy Judd of Shiner, TX & Harvey Woytek of Hallettsville, TX
3rd Place: Kevin Chance of Hallettsville, TX & Bob Henke of Hallettsville, TX
Historically dominoes played a key role in the lives of people of all walks of life living in Central Texas. Domino halls and taverns had tables located in every nook and cranny to accommodate the legions of faithful players. In 1952 a group of men joined together to formulate a plan to determine the best domino players at straight dominos. The initial tournament, held at the American Legion Hall in Hallettsville, drew 30 teams that engaged in fierce competition with.
Today the tournament held in January draws approximately 200 participants from all parts of the country that battle to determine the Texas State Champion.